.. _whatsnew_011: 0.1.1 (February 18, 2022) ------------------------- Enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Quantification of irradiance variability with :py:func:`pvanalytics.metrics.variability_index`. (:issue:`60`, :pull:`106`) * Internal refactor of :py:func:`pvanalytics.metrics.performance_ratio_nrel` to support other performance ratio formulas. (:pull:`109`) * Detect shadows from fixed objects in GHI data using :py:func:`pvanalytics.features.shading.fixed`. (:issue:`24`, :pull:`101`) Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ * Added ``nan_policy`` parameter to zscore calculation in :py:func:`pvanalytics.quality.outliers.zscore`. (:issue:`102`, :pull:`108`) * Prohibit pandas versions in the 1.1.x series to avoid an issue in ``.groupby().rolling()``. Newer versions starting in 1.2.0 and older versions going back to 0.24.0 are still allowed. (:issue:`82`, :pull:`118`) * Fixed an issue with :py:func:`pvanalytics.features.clearsky.reno` in recent pandas versions (:issue:`125`, :pull:`128`) * Improved convergence in :py:func:`pvanalytics.features.orientation.fixed_nrel` (:issue:`119`, :pull:`120`) Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Drop support for python 3.6, which reached end of life Dec 2021 (:pull:`129`) Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Started an example gallery and added an example for :py:func:`pvanalytics.features.clearsky.reno` (:issue:`125`, :pull:`127`) Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Kevin Anderson (:ghuser:`kanderso-nrel`) * Cliff Hansen (:ghuser:`cwhanse`) * Will Vining (:ghuser:`wfvining`) * Kirsten Perry (:ghuser:`kperrynrel`) * Michael Hopwood (:ghuser:`MichaelHopwood`) * Carlos Silva (:ghuser:`camsilva`) * Ben Taylor (:ghuser:`bt-`)